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Branch Ancestors

What follows is a list of proven Saskatchewan Branch ancestors. Hyperlinked entries indicate additional information for that ancestor on the biographies page.


Barnhart, John
Bartley, Isaiah
Bell, William McCorquodale
Bell, William Sr.
Bessey, Jacob
Book, John
Boone, William
Breckenridge, David
Brisco, Issac
Brown, Nathaniel
Brundage, John ?
Buell, Bemslee
Burley, Freeman
Burritt, Daniel
Burt, Joseph
Cadman, William ?
Campbell, Robert
Carle, Thomas
Carpenter, Archelaus
Carscallen, Edward
Carscallen, John
Carscallen, Luke
Chamberlain, Jacob Bailey
Chester, John
Chrysler, Adam
Condon, Thomas
Conklin, John
Dafoe, Michael
Dawdy, James
Dease, John
Detlor, Valentine
Dulmage, David
Dunmead, William
Durham, James
Eamer, Peter
Ebbe, Joseph
Edwards, Thomas
Embury, David
Embury, John
Field, George
Fisher, Donald
Fraser, Daniel
Gallinger, Michael
Glasford, John
Gordon, Peter
Green, Daniel
Gunter, Conrad
Harns, Gilbert
Harns, Thomas
Haviland, John
Hawkins, Michael
Haws, Jasper
Hickey, John
Hicks, Edward
Hicks, Joseph
Hollywood, Thomas
Holmes, John
House, George
Huffman, Jacob
Hurd, Phinias
Johnston, Adam
Lapp, Jeremiah
Lively, Ruben
Losee, Joshua

Loucks, John George
Mallory, Enoch
Matthews, James
McLeod, Alexander
McTaggart, James
Merkley, Henry
Middaugh, Stephen
Miller, John
Milroy, John
Morden, Joseph
Nelles, Henry
Northrup, Benajah
Otto, Johan Gottleib
Overholt, Staats
Papst, Adam
Perry, Robert
Perry, William
Pettit, Nathaniel
Pickel, Nicholas
Pine, Stephen
Pitman, Russell
Powell, Caleb
Read, Moses
Redick, Philip
Ross, Thomas Taylor
Schwerdtfeger, Johann Samuel William
Schwerdtfeger, Samuel
Secord, John
Secord, Stephen
Seeley, Augustus
Seeley, James
Selmser, Martin
Servos, Daniel
Shaver, John
Sherwood, Andrew
Silverthorn, Thomas
Smith, Abraham
Smith, Elias
Smith, Elias
Smith, Frederick
Smith, John
Snider, Martin
Snyder, John
Stata, Philip
Stockton, Andrew Hunter
Stockton, Richard Witham
Vail, Nathaniel
Van Allen, Jacob
Varty, Thomas
Vetter, Lucas
Walter, Philip
Warner, Michael
Warner, Michael
Whitmore, Peter
Williams, John
Wiltse, Benoni
Wiltsie, John
Withrow, David
Woodley, George
Yerxa, John
Young, Henry
Young, James
Young, William Amos

If you would like to contact the decendant of someone on this list, email us and we will contact the living descendant or branch genealogist for you.

For further information on these and other Loyalists, visit's online directory of Loyalists.